Park Rules (Caravan and Lodge Holiday Homes)

See also Park Rules (Permanent Holiday Homes)

These Park Rules are in place for the good management of the Park and the benefit of all who use it.  These Rules form part of the Licence Agreement that is the contract between us for your occupation of a pitch at the Park.  The Park Rules do not affect anything to which you are entitled under the terms of your Licence Agreement.  The expression 'you'/'your means the owner and/or occupier and the expression 'we'/'us'/'our' refers to the Park Owner and/or Park Manager.  The Rules set out below are the Park Rules referred to in your Licence Agreement.  You are reminded that breach of these Rules is breach of your Licence Agreement and may result in termination of the Licence Agreement.

Planning Conditions and/or Site Licence
  1. All accommodation sold is strictly for Holiday Home use only. On an annual basis we will ask you to provide your main residential address and evidence of your residence there.
  2. The Park cannot be listed as an Owner's mailing address and the Park reserves the right to return to sender any mail subsequently received.
  3. All owners of caravan and lodge holiday homes at the Park must comply with the conditions attached to the Site Licence which may be viewed at the Park Office.
  4. Pitch numbers must remain visible
  5. Caravan and lodge holiday home insurance is a requirement of your site license agreement and can be arranged through the Park office or you can arrange your own.  The Company must be provided with a copy of your insurance certificate.  The Company is not responsible for any claim in respect of loss or damage of any item including caravan and lodge holiday homes, vehicles or personal property. John Fowler Holidays Limited is an appointed representative of Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Spectrum Building 7th Floor, 55 Blysthwood Street, Glasgow, G2 7AT. Registered in Scotland. Company Number: SC108909.
  6. A spare set of keys must be left with the Park Manager.  They will only be given out in an emergency and under no circumstances will they be handed to a third party without written consent from the Owner.  The Company retain the right of access to any caravan or lodge holiday home for the purpose of satisfying Health & Safety legislation or utility supply regulations.
  7. All site fees must be paid in the month in which they are due each year in order to ensure your pitch for the forthcoming season.  Failure to pay the site fees by the due date gives us the right to withdraw the offer of a pitch and to remove the caravan or lodge holiday home to await your collection (for which a disconnection and storage fee may be payable).  All other utilities, services fees or bills are to be paid within 14 days of invoicing.
  8. Caravan and lodge holiday homes will be sited at the discretion of the Company and may be moved at any time to comply with regulations or to facilitate Park improvements
  9. You must inform us in writing if you decide to sell your caravan or lodge holiday home privately and all sales must be conducted through the Park office.  A commission of 15% plus VAT of the selling price is payable to the Company.  Once we have approved your buyer and the sales has been transacted we will issue them with a Sales & Licence Agreement for the length of time the Agreement period still has to run. Please note that if you decide to sell your holiday home and you take part in our letting scheme, you must ensure that you transfer to a new owner the outstanding term of your obligation.
  10. The Company reserves the right to make additions or deletions to these rules from time to time as it considers necessary for the general safety or proper and efficient management of the Park.



Permitted Number of Occupiers

1 Your caravan or lodge holiday home may not be used for sleeping a number of persons greater than the 'maximum sleeping capacity' stipulated in your Licence Agreement; if no number is stipulated then it may not be used for sleeping a number of persons greater than the number for which it was designed.

  1. Vehicles may not be used as sleeping accommodation.
  2. The erection of tents is not permitted as additional accommodation next to your holiday home.
The Season
  1. The Park is open as permitted by your appropriate Site Licence.
Owner Accounts
  1. All communication and invoicing will be done via email and accessible on our Owner Portal. Owners must supply a valid email address for this purpose.
  2. The Privilege Card is for Owner use only. Owners must carry their cards as they may be requested to show them by team members.
  1. Subletting will not be permitted in caravans or lodges purchased after 31st December 2019, other than through our official company letting scheme.
Visitors to your Caravan or Lodge Holiday Home
  1. Owners who wish to entertain friends who reside in the Local Postal Code area of the Holiday Park on which your Holiday Home is based must seek the permission of the Park Manager in advance.  Visitors must leave the Park by 11 pm
  2. Young persons/under 18's staying on the Park unsupervised must not be allowed to stay on Park without the prior agreement of  the Park Manager
  3. No deliveries for an Owner or occupant of a holiday home can be made without prior agreement of the Park Manager
  4. All Owners and visitors using the Club must abide by the Licensing Laws and all current legislation applicable.
  5. The Club is for the enjoyment of Owners and Holidaymakers.  Guests of Owners should be residing on Park that night if they are using the licensed facilities
  6. It is your responsibility to ensure that your visitors and occupiers of your caravan or lodge holiday home adhere to the Park Rules.
Ejection on Grounds of Behaviour
  1. We are entitled to eject anyone from the Park who persistently acts in a manner likely to upset or annoy other users of the Park or our staff or who is guilty of a criminal offence.
Condition of your Caravan or Lodge Holiday Home
  1. No notices, advertisements or posters may be displayed externally or in a caravan or lodge holiday home window without prior written permission from the Company
  2. The colour of the exterior of the caravan or lodge holiday home must not be changed without our prior consent in writing.
  3. The caravan or lodge holiday home must be maintained in a state capable of movement but may not be moved off the pitch without our prior consent in writing.
  4. Outside of your holiday home there are no private areas.  Windbreaks and gazebos must not be left permanently erected or overnight and the Company retains the right to remove such structures without liability.
Building and Ground Works
  1. Only one external storage unit per holiday home is permitted (two for lodges) and to be of John Fowler Holiday approved specification and supply only.
  2. You will need to seek permission for paths, patios and to alter or erect a balcony around your holiday home from the Park Manager.
  3. Verandas/platforms are not permitted.  Wheelchair ramps and decking consents must be applied for in writing for onward transmission to the Company and approval in writing obtained before installation/construction. You must use a company approved supplier to fit any decking.
  4. We do not permit external structures to be added to caravan or lodge holiday homes such as porches, walkways and carports.
  5. You are responsible for keeping the area around your caravan or lodge holiday home clean and tidy.
End of Season
  1. All gas, electricity and water connections must be switched off in the closed season unless by specific prior agreement with the Park Manager.
  2. You are solely responsible for securing your caravan or lodge holiday home and must ensure that it and its contents are adequately insured throughout the closed season against all usual risks including flood, storm and tempest.
  3. It is your responsibility to arrange drain down and prepare the caravan or lodge holiday home for the closed season. This can be arranged through the Company.
  4. Access to the Park during the closed season is between 9am and 4pm only.  Owners must notify the Park Manager that they are visiting the Park during the closed season.  During the closed season utility services may be turned off throughout the Park for operational/development reasons.
Utilities' Installations
  1. All gas, electricity and water connections must be switched off when the caravan or lodge holiday home is not occupied.
  2. If you experience any problem with the Park's electrical, gas or water system please contact the Park Manager.  You must not attempt to work on the Park's electrical, gas or water system yourself.
  3. Telephones may not be installed in caravan or lodge holiday homes unless with the prior agreement of John Fowler Holidays.
Drainage System
  1. Only toilet paper should be flushed down the toilet. Please refrain from any other items being disposed of this way.
Enclosure of Pitches
  1. We do not permit the erection of fences or any means for the enclosure of a caravan or lodge holiday home pitch.
Trees and Shrubs
  1. No permanent planting of trees, shrubs or flowers are permitted around your Holiday Home.  External decoration is limited to potted planters around the balcony and near the side of your Holiday Home. Theses must not cause an obstruction/trip hazard.
  2. You must not cut any trees or hedges at the Park.  If you find any tree or hedge a nuisance or unsatisfactory please take the matter up with the Park Manager.
  1. You must not dig any hole in the ground at the Park



  1. Rotary lines and washing lines are not permitted.  Window clothes airers can be used but must be taken down in the evening.
  1. No materials, goods or chattels other than refuse containers and litterbins are to be placed or stored around or underneath any Holiday Home.
  2. Only domestic household waste that has been generated on park may be placed in the park refuse bins.
  3. Please recycle wherever possible in the bins provided
  1. We permit cars onto the Park for the purpose of access to the caravan or lodge holiday home only and they must not be used to drive around the Park. Accordingly, save to the extent that you may need to do so because of a disability, you must not drive cars around park for other purposes such as visiting other locations on park. We may ask for reasonable evidence of any disability relevant to this rule.
  2. The speed limit for all vehicles on Park is 5 miles per hour and priority must be given to pedestrians and cyclists.  Any vehicle found to be driven or ridden in excess of this limit will be barred from the Park.  All drivers of vehicles must be legally entitled to do so and be able to produce an appropriate driving licence.  The same laws for 'Drink Driving' on national roads also apply on the Park.  Anyone found to be driving under the influence of alcohol will be barred from the Park. 
  3. Only vehicles taxed and insured for use on a public road may be kept at the Park and we will remove any disused or broken down vehicles.
  4. Vehicles are not allowed to be parked overnight in the grounds during the closed season
  5. Parking on vacant pitches is not permitted
  6. Vehicles may not be stored on a balcony or deck
  7. Lorries, Boats, Horse Boxes and Trailers are not allowed on Park
  8. Motorised miniature bikes, quad bikes, scooters or karts are not permitted on Park.
  9. You are not permitted to give driving lessons at the Park and we do not permit learner drivers to drive on the Park.
  10. Not more than one vehicle may be parked at the caravan or lodge holiday home.
  11. Washing cars with a hosepipe is not permitted
  1. Please act in a courteous and considerate manner towards anyone visiting or working at the Park.
  2. Criminal offences must not be committed on Park nor must Holiday Homes be used for the furtherance of any criminal activity.  Acts of vandalism must not be committed on Park
  3. Unlawful drugs are prohibited
  4. No firearms, weapons, explosives of any description or fireworks are permitted on Park
  5. Owners or guests who occupy their caravan or lodge holiday home must not be or become a nuisance to other persons on the Park.  All children must be properly supervised at all times.
  6. Please respect the privacy of other caravan or lodge holiday home owner and keep noise to a minimum between the hours of 11.00pm and 9.00 a.m. with absolute quiet between 12 midnight and 8am.
  7. You must not carry on any trade or business at the Park
  8. You must not permit anyone who is to your knowledge on the Sex Offenders Register compiled under the Sex Offenders Act 1997 to use or visit your caravan or lodge holiday home
  9. Alcoholic drinks may be consumed only in the immediate vicinity of your caravan or lodge holiday home or at the Park's licensed premises
  10. You must keep away from vacant pitches
  11. Equipment that has been provided for your safety such as fire extinguishers and lifesaving rings may not be used for any improper purpose.
  1. Children are the responsibility of their parents or guardians at all times.
  2. Children are to be supervised at all times so that they are not a nuisance or a danger to themselves or others.
  3. Children may not ride bicycles so as to cause a nuisance or undue noise.
  1. No games may be played in the vicinity of the caravan or lodge holiday home; ball and other games are permitted only in the areas set aside for recreation
  2. Kites, model aircraft, drones and Chinese lanterns must not be flown on the Park
  3. No skateboards, roller skates, rollerblades or micro-scooters may be used at the Park.
  1. One dog and/or cat is permitted per caravan or lodge holiday home.  However the following breeds are not permitted on Park:  American Pit-bull Terrier, Japanese Akita, Wolfhound Hybrid, Japanese Tosa, Neapolitan Mastiff, Rottweiler, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasiliero or any other breed referred to in the Dangerous Dogs act 1991
  2. All dogs and cats must at all times be kept under control and with the exception of Guide dogs, are not allowed into any facility building.  Dogs must be kept on a lead when not in a caravan or lodge holiday home.  If a dog is found roaming the Park freely, the local Dog Warden may be called.  No dog fouling, please pick it up and bin it.  The permission for a dog or cat may be withdrawn if the animal is a nuisance.
  1. Gas and electrical installations and appliances in your caravan or lodge holiday home should be regularly serviced and/or checked annually. Please provide a copy of a current gas safety certificate on an annual basis upon testing.
  2. You should use the Park safely and should not cause danger to others.
  3. Please obey all health & Safety notices displayed on Park and act on the reasonable instructions of Park staff in matters of Health & Safety.
  4. In the interest of safety, any residents, including staff, owners and holidaymakers, must be prepared to vacate their accommodation if it is situated within 20 metres of a tree, during an amber storm warning or above
Fire Precautions
  1. As a minimum, a fire extinguisher containing 1kg of dry powder and filled with an indicator dial must be installed in each Holiday Home along with a British Standard smoke alarm.
  2. It is your responsibility to ensure that all occupants of your caravan or lodge holiday home holiday home are familiar with the location of the Fire Points and the contents of the Fire Notices displayed at each point.
  3. No fuels or combustible materials other than LPG containers may be stored on the Park.

Alarms must be of the silent, monitored type and audible alarms are not permitted.

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