Hayle fishery plans to expand for disabled access
Hello again, it's Kenny here.
Myself and Freddy love to do a spot fishing when we're on our family holiday UK - I think I enjoy the peacefulness more than the sport, like Freddy.
Anyway, we're delighted to hear that Kernow Coarse Fishery in Hayle is planning on becoming the county's first all-purpose fishery, providing expanded access for the disabled.
If the plans are approved, 10 wheelchair accessible spots would be accommodated around 1 pond, as well as an additional smaller stock pond and brand new visitor centre with staff accommodation.
Kernow Coarse Fishery's Chris Graham said: "I want to bring something to the South West which we haven't got. Most places have one spot where a wheelchair can get to. I want to make space for more than one disabled person so they can meet and compete."
He's also hoping the improved facilities allow him to teach fishing to children with learning difficulties.
If you're holidaying in Cornwall, Tolroy Manor Holiday Park in Hayle offer adapted accommodation, making it the perfect place to base yourselves.