Halloween Spooktacular at Perran View
Halloween Spooktacular at Perran View
Monday 24th October
Marks Arc 10am Bringing in his exotic animals for a close encounter and an educational talk on them.
Monday Afternoon: Movie Time @ 2:30pm
Monday Evening: Cassie Caricaturist will draw your portrait @ 5pm-7pm
Monday evening: Ozzy D magic show 7:30pm
Tuesday 25th October
A selection of Halloween films shown throughout the day
Wednesday 26th October
Caricaturist 5pm – 7pm if you missed her on Monday come and get your portrait drawn.
Nick Mears our Cornish vocalist/guitarist @ 7:30pm not to be missed
Thursday 27th October is Perran View Spectoocular
Starting from early in the morning to late evening
Come into the venue and decorate your table and carve your pumpkins.
Then at 4:30pm take your children around to the other properties who have a star in the window for trick or treating.
In the venue at 6:15 – 8:15pm we have close up magic as well as a magic show to follow on stage
Come down to the venue to join in the fun with prizes for:
- Best Dressed Table
- Best Carved pumpkin under 16’s
- Best Carved Pumpkin Adult
- Best Childs fancy dress
- Best Adults fancy dress
Followed with get your photo taken with the spooky dressed up staff
Photos in the guillotine or at the Ship of the Dead Bar
Ending with a boogie at the monster mash disco.