Sandy Glade February Half Term Entertainment

Foxy Clubs 10am-11am:

Activities Include: Nature Walks/Bug Hunt, T-Shirt Making, Fun & Games Morning, Sports Day, Capture the Flag, Scrapheap Challenge, The Great Egg Drop and Much More

Friday 15th Fun and Games Morning

Sat 16th Nature Walk

Sun 17th Weird Science

Mon 18thGreat egg drop

Tues 19th Sports day

Weds 20thBiscuit decorating

Thurs 21st Arts and crafts

Fri 22nd Chalk Graffiti


Foxy Clubs for the Halloween Week (please see your entertainments guide for which day activities are on)

J-Teens 11am-12pm:

Activities Include: Nerf Wars, Dodgeball, T-Shirt Designing, Selfie Competitions, Party Dance Workshops, Bubble Football (weather depending), Teen Gameshows and much more

Friday 15thNerf Wars

Sat 16th Party Dance Training

Sun 17th Chalk Graffiti

Mon 18th Selfie Competitions

Tues 19th Football Games

Weds 20thStripey Workshops

Thurs 21st Table Tennis Competition

Fri 22ndPool Competition

J-Teens activities for the Summer Holidays (please see your entertainments guide for which day activities are on)


Main events for the week,

Friday 15thResident Entertainer Andrew Marshall

Sat 16th Male Vocalist Matt Summer

Sun 17th Karaoke

Mon 18th  Female Vocalist Zoe Price

Tues 19thBattle of the Brains Quiz Night

Weds 20thMidweek Gameshow

Thurs 21st  Past the Post (Charity Race Night)

Fri 22ndResident Entertainer Andrew Marshall


Water Activities - all activities from 10am - 11pm

Aqua Rangers (5-16)  - Tuesday

Zorbs (Age5-16) - Friday, Saturday & Wednesday

Aqua Gliding (Under 8s) - Sunday

Kayaking (Age 6-16) – Thursday

Book these activities the day before at reception (Terms and Conditions Apply)

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